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1-1-11: Auspicious day for mystics and geeks alike

"One is the loneliest number," wrote songwriter Harry Nilsson. And 2011 begins today, the date written as 1-1-11, so one would expect this New Year to be more lonely than usual. But for people who know what to look for, nothing can be further from the truth. To begin with, 1111 is the sum of the digits of the first 100 prime numbers. And although the date itself isn't a prime number, the year 2011 is prime. Also, 2011 is the sum of 11 consecutive prime numbers.

Google started off 2011 with another one of its famous doodles. GMANews.TV
Online life as we know it starts here So why all the fuss about prime numbers? It's because the security of our online life as we know it — from Facebook to Yahoo Mail — depends largely on prime numbers. Prime numbers are a fundamental building block of Internet security. When encoded using the special properties of prime numbers, private information becomes virtually impossible to get at. Without prime numbers, you wouldn't be able to log into any of your email or social media accounts. You can argue about the effectiveness of Internet security all you want, but this much is certain: without the security of prime numbers, almost nothing on the Internet would be private at all. Prime numbers are so valuable, in fact, that there is a cash prize for discovering a new prime number. So the next time you get a personal greeting in your inbox, you know who to thank for getting it to you safely. But there's more. The beginning is the end is the beginning While Harry Nilsson may be right as far as relationships go, in numerology, 1 is recognized as the beginning, the creator, or essentially the center. Perhaps this explains why many people make a wish when they see 11:11 on the clock. Most wouldn't be able to explain what's so special about a recurring number, but Joe Cooney writes in Asbury Park Press that 1-1-11 is serious business for the world of numerology. 1 is also referred to as Yang, the balancing partner of Yin. Together, they are the opposing forces of Chinese philosophy. Along with 22 and 33, 11 is called a Master or Power number, and is believed to possess more potential than others. Eleven, which represents idealism, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, illumination, charisma and leadership, is considered to be the most intuitive of all numbers. When the 26,000 year-old Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012 at 11:11, the date actually marks a rebirth of the world, not death. A network of people who consider themselves "lightworkers" believe that seeing 11:11 is a reminder that you are one of them. Their mission is to hold as much light for the planet as possible - in preparation for the "new world" which is all about unity rather than separation. So it's not really the end of the world; it's actually something to really look forward to. A number that celebrities look to Queen of Talk Oprah Winfrey, who has been part of raising spiritual consciousness globally, has chosen 1-1-11 as the launch date of her new network. "My vision for OWN is to create a network that inspires our viewers and makes them want to be who they are on their best day," she said on her website. The Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), which debuts today. will be home to several new shows, one of which is Visionaries: Inside the Creative Mind. Numerologically, 1-1-11 is a particularly auspicious day for Oprah, who is an Aquarius. Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac and rules the 11th house of the zodiac which regulates hopes and wishes - which is a central part of her television persona. The number 11 has also been noticed in DaVinci's famous painting of the Last Supper, where there are 11 rectangles on the wall and balanced 11 visible hands on the left and 11 on the right. While numerology is admittedly mystical, it's difficult to deny that people tend to give meaning to certain patterns. If nothing else, we could savor the date for the simple fact that apart from 11/11/11 in November and 12/12/12 in December next year, the next such date will be a decade later, on 2/2/22. And that's what makes this date so special: there's something in it for everyone. No matter where or with whom you spend today, you're not alone in hoping for an auspicious year ahead. In fact, between math and mysticism, you're in very good company. — TJD, GMANews.TV