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Pinoy Abroad

US territory closes 283 OFW labor cases, appeals

GARAPAN, Saipan — The US Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) has closed 283 labor cases and appeals that overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) have filed in recent years. This does not necessarily mean, however, that these OFWs have already collected unpaid wages and other damages from administrative orders and judgments. The 283 cases make up 70 percent of the 403 labor cases and appeals that foreign workers filed and were closed by the CNMI Department of Labor as of April 11. Some 10,000 OFWs and their dependents live and work in the CNMI, a US territory some three hours away from Manila. But Florida-based human rights activist Wendy Doromal and lawyer Stephen Woodruff, representing foreign workers in the CNMI, said anyone listed in the Labor notice who believes he or she has an unresolved monetary claim should consult a lawyer. OFWs and other foreign workers listed have 15 days from April 18, 2011 to appeal the Labor Department’s decision. The CNMI Labor Department said the umbrella permit of each alien listed in the notice has been reclassified from “case pending" to “240K, work authorized," and continues in force through November 27, 2011. It also said no action is needed by the complainant or petitioner as this is done automatically on the Labor Department's records. To prevent case dismisals Doromal, an educator, said it would be helpful if a lawyer could file a class suit to prevent the routine dismissal of cases. “In fact, why hasn’t the US Department of Justice investigated why the DOL has routinely ignored employer violations to the detriment of the foreign workers? This is not something new in the CNMI," she said. Several OFWs with pending or resolved labor cases in the CNMI have yet to collect unpaid wages and other damages. According to the US Federal Labor Ombudsman, it collected over 700 labor administrative orders and judgments that awarded $6.1 million in unpaid wages and other damages to foreign workers in 2008. But money remains undisbursed. — PE/VS, GMA News