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Mother's Day meme hits Facebook

With two days still to go before Mother's Day, Facebook users are showing their love by posting "Mom's" photos on their profiles in a growingly popular meme. The Facebook users said their mothers' photos would stay as their profile pictures at least until May 9, the day after Mother's Day. "To all my FB friends, in honor of Mother's Day, change your profile picture to a picture of your (mother) and keep it there till May 9. If you like this idea, please repost this as your status so everyone gets the word and see how many beautiful mothers we can get on FB," says the most popular status message for the meme. As expected, many Filipinos complied with the request, posting photos of their mothers as their profile pictures. In some cases, Facebook users who are already mothers themselves found photos of themselves with their mothers. Still others went the extra mile by posting YouTube videos of songs dedicated to mothers.

Mother's Day is celebrated in many parts of the world to honor mothers and motherhood. In the Philippines, it falls on the second Sunday of May. On the other hand, Filipinos — a people known to be very familial — have also started greeting their mothers in advance as early as Thursday, on various radio programs. — TJD, GMA News